about me

My profile picture


Born and raised in London, UK. Graduated from London Southbank University. I have a bachelor degree in Business Administration.

My Approach

As a front-end developer with an artistic flair, I blend aesthetics with functionality. My expertise lies in creating visually compelling, user-friendly digital experiences that captivate and engage users. Utilizing my diverse skills, I infuse a unique perspective into each project, ensuring a balance between design and usability.

continuous learning

As a web developer, I am passionate about continuous learning. I strive to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in web development, from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to server-side programming like Node.js

I am particularly interested in exploring emerging trends and technologies in web development. Whether it’s the latest JavaScript framework, a new CSS pre-processor, or a ground-breaking approach to responsive design, I am eager to learn about it and understand how it can enhance my work.


In my spare time, I love exploring the latest tech trends. I also enjoy sharing my coding journey and engaging with the tech community online. You can find me on Instagram where I post coding content and share my experiences as a web developer.

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600+ Followers

my skills

In the pursuit of my passion for web development, I have completed several intensive bootcamps and courses. These educational experiences have provided me with a strong foundation in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React, Python, MySQL, and Bootstrap. Through hands-on projects and challenges, I’ve had the opportunity to apply and deepen these skills. Each project in my portfolio is a testament to the knowledge and abilities I’ve gained through my dedicated learning journey.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap
  • UI/UX

my projects

Highlighted below are a selection of my most significant projects. These carefully chosen works not only demonstrate the depth of my technical knowledge but also showcase the design skills I’ve honed over time. Each project is a testament to my learning journey and reflects my commitment to continual skill development.


Mock up image of my Dictionary App

Project Overview

This application is a comprehensive Dictionary App designed to provide users with word definitions at their fingertips. It leverages a Free Dictionary API to fetch real-time data, ensuring that users always have access to the most up-to-date definitions. The application is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that makes looking up words quick and easy.

key features

  • Real-time Definitions
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Built with React
  • Pronunciation Guide
  • Mobile-Friendly Design

Technologies Used


about picture

Project Overview

I’ve developed an interactive, web-based quiz using the technologies HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This project is a testament to my ability to create engaging web content and manage user interactions effectively. The quiz is themed around the globally popular Harry Potter series, a personal passion of mine. This JavaScript-based quiz not only highlights my technical prowess but also my creative flair and enthusiasm for the Harry Potter universe. It’s a fun and interactive way for fans of the series to test their knowledge.

key features

  • Answer selection is mandatory for each question
  • Results modal will be displayed
  • Scoring system
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Mobile-Friendly Design

Technologies Used


about picture

Project Overview

I developed a dedicated application tailored for avid Pokémon enthusiasts, like myself, that facilitates the search for their preferred Pokémon characters. This application leverages the comprehensive data provided by the PokeAPI. It’s built using a robust tech stack that includes HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to ensure a responsive and user-friendly interface. The application is designed to provide a seamless and engaging experience for Pokémon fans, allowing them to explore and discover their favorite Pokémon with ease.

key features

  • Real-time Pokemon database
  • Search Pokemon by Pokedex ID or by Pokemon name
  • Randomly generate a Pokemon
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Mobile-Friendly Design

Technologies Used

Weatherly Weather App

Weather App mockup image

Project Overview

This is a dynamic weather application that provides real-time weather updates. It leverages the robust OpenWeather API to fetch current weather data for any location around the globe. The application features a clean and intuitive user interface, making it easy for users to search for their desired locations and view the weather details.

key features

  • Real-Time Weather Updates
  • 7 day Weather Forecast
  • Search Functionality
  • Geo Location
  • Mobile-Friendly Design

Technologies Used

my certificates

contact me

Ready to launch your next project? I’m just a click away! Shoot me a message and let’s make something awesome together!

Jcheung8385@gmail.com @i_can_code_too in/joycecheung24